Wednesday 25 November 2009

Coming out

After spending 4 weeks in his pen and stable, we let Billy Boy out today. The yard is secure but we added a tape above the main gate and waited until we had volunteers here, just in case.

As always little Frodo was chosen as companion; he and BB have shared hay and have previously been able to reach each other's necks so we hoped there wouldn't be any fighting.

Frodo is so non-confrontational with other horses and is completely confident with us. He knows where the sedge grows and immediately went to eat it. In the picture, Billy Boy is just having a look to see what Frodo has got, and immediately put his ears back a little. Frodo respectfully moved down the border to browse on something else. They were only out about 20 minutes.

To get him back Paul led Frodo into an adjacent stable; BB followed, and us volunteers closed him down gently into his own stable where a small feed was waiting.

In the stable Paul can scratch/stroke/rub BB's chest, shoulders and neck. BB is a strong and sturdy Exmoor stallion and actually comes disconcertingly close for this. Paul is reluctant to send him back - it is a very fine line to draw when you are trying to encourage a frightened pony towards you.

BB doesn't trust Paul yet but he more than tolerates him. We are somewhat depressed at the slow progress - however, he couldn't be touched or even approached 4 weeks ago.

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